I'm sure you've all heard that Oprah is not doing a "Favorite Things" episode this year. To fill the void, I'm splashing out with my own spin on "Favorite Things".
I love this necklace. It's sparkly, lovely and handmade.

These condos are my favorite addition to the overcrowded condo market in Austin. They've been designed in an eco-friendly manner, are in a great neighborhood, and each unit has a private balcony and rooftop terrace! I'm thankful for my 1952 house, but a girl can dream.

My favorite local store in Austin, Adelante, happens to be located mere blocks from our house.
Book People earned the title of the largest, independent book store, and features great staff selections for books. While Book People is my favorite book store, Half Price Books is a very close second.

I'm not much of a foodie. A good self-serve salad bar makes me happy. The Whole Foods at 5th Street and Lamar Boulevard has an amazing salad bar with lots of vegetarian selections.

I love me some scented candles. Lights Out Candles are produced locally with soy wax and lead-free wicks. The nag champa scent is so delicious and earthy smelling.

My favorite self-indulgence is a visit to Milk and Honey Spa. I've been to both locations and find the atmosphere and services heavenly.

Readers, I hope this helps with your withdrawal process during the Oprah no "Favorite Things" kerfuffle. Don't bother looking under your seats for any of these items, but you might want to vacuum under there.