If you have not already donated money to the Haiti earthquake disaster relief, I implore you to do so now. I donated through
UNICEF. Here is the email message I received today:
Words fail: up to two million children are at risk in Haiti right now.
Separated from their families. Trapped under rubble. Countless newly orphaned. Desperate.
Every moment matters: donate NOW and 100% of every dollar to the U.S. Fund for
UNICEF will go directly to fund child-saving relief efforts in Haiti.
We can save these children. I say this because I've seen your generosity and I've seen
UNICEF's response. Less than 48 hours ago,
UNICEF delivered to Port-au-Prince:
10,000 tarpaulins
4,600 water containers
5.5 million water purification tablets
556,000 oral rehydration sachets
These supplies are bringing critical relief to up to 10,000 families. An additional 20,000 families will receive similar supplies momentarily. But it's not enough and these two million children are relying completely on international relief.
Please give now: every gift will save a life, and 100% of your donation will go directly to
UNICEF to support relief efforts.
Children in Haiti have nowhere to go. No homes, no hospitals, no government aid centers. There is literally nothing beyond what you and I and the rest of the relief community can provide.
Yes, delivering relief into the country has been exceedingly difficult. Yes, logistics and communications have taken time.
But this means nothing in the face of these children who need us. We will do whatever it takes to save these children, no matter how difficult, how seemingly impossible.
Please, help us save more lives.
With humility,
Caryl M. Stern
President and CEO
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
P.S. The U.S. Fund for
UNICEF is absorbing all administrative fees associated with handling your donation, so that you can be confident 100% of every dollar you give will go directly to relief efforts.