Sometimes a Manic Hobgoblin gets the better of me. I live in a sweet, old house in central Austin. I travel a few times each year. I have too many pets, and love each one more than the next.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Happy Spring!
Chad pontificated that dying Easter eggs in the spring is similar to carving pumpkins in the fall: it's a creative task that sometimes doesn't turn out like you thought it would, the weather is great, and you're anticipating fun.
I'm so hippitty-hoppitty happy that spring is here. I've been walking around the house half-saying/half-singing "spring-a-ding-ding-ding!" Winter in Austin seemed to drag on too long this year. It's official that I can't deal with cold weather anymore. My blood is too thin from years of long, hot Austin summers. (I can't vouch for the scientific accuracy of the previous statement, but you get the idea.)
Since returning from the cold, rainy, dirty, crowded doldrums of Manhattan, I've confirmed yet again that I love living in Austin! (Travelogue to come in next few posts.)