I'm watching Curb Appeal on HGTV as I fold laundry and iron this morning. Big mistake! It's giving me too many ideas for the 1952 House.
Replace parking pad with interlocking paver stones to match driveway.
Extend the covered carport so my car and Chad's new car can both be covered.
Replace carport columns.
Reorient carport steps to run parallel to living room wall with new railing.
Replace steps to front door with safer tread, evenly spaced steps.
New bathtub: Current tub isn't draining well despite interventions, plus the new glaze painstakingly applied four years ago is chipping and peeling.
New under-cabinet lights in kitchen.
Although, if we had enough money to do all this stuff, it might be better to just move into a house closer to downtown that already has more of our wish-list items such as a fireplace, indoor laundry room, automatic dishwasher and second bathroom. Off to buy a lotto ticket and look for a holiday job!