I made pretty plantscapes (like a mini landscape) at work a few weeks ago. The luster votive is pail-shaped like a beach bucket (and on clearance for $4.97!) which inspired me to snag some unused props from the visuals area. Tumbled sea glass, a starfish and shell in the luster beach pail make for a lovely, summery plantscape, if I do say so myself. That succulent looks kind of like a sea anemone. Right?
This morning at work, I noticed an empty butler tray stand with mirror tray in the front window. (The horror!) I sprang into action with more beach-inspired items and props. That Hemingway votive candle smells so good: like Key West, rum and old books. I have a purchasing freeze on scented candles and books right now, or I'd snap up a few Hemingway candles for myself. (I have a well organized backstock of scented candles and reading materials at the 1952 House, but am the tiniest bit scared of reaching "hoarder" capacity.)
Speaking of summer plantscapes, the tomato plants at the 1952 House look prosperous, and may topple the tomato cages. Check back soon for photographic evidence of our first tomato harvest of the season. The herbs already yielded mojitos, salad dressings, pasta dressings and general yummy smells. Hooray for rain (and my rainwater barrels)!